19th September 2024

Search Shutlanger Parish Council

Serving the people of Shutlanger

Displaying 1 to 30 of 62

Finance Report June 2024

Parish Council Year to Date Accounts May 2024

Year to date Accounts

Expensed items over £100

Notification that the accounts are available for inspection

Analysis of variances between Financial Years ending March 2023 and March 2024

Audit Document Bank Reconciliation

Annual Return including Internal Audit Report

Asset Register 2024

Wed, 20 Mar 2024

Latest Version

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Explanation of Variances

Items over £100

Final Audit Documents for 2022-23

Items of over £100 in the annual accounts

AGAR Return 2021-22

Fri, 20 May 2022

AGAR Signed copy

Notice to general public about the end of audit

Certificate approving the accounts for 2020-21

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for accounts 2020-21

Summary of the year to date accounts

Year to date financial accounts up to 30 June 2021

Information on the Parish Accounts

Copy of the Annual Audit Return

Approved Annual Audit Report

Notice Of Rights

Tue, 1 Sep 2020

Notice of Rights

All documents including AGAR 3


Items Over £100

Bank Reconciliation

Internal Audit Return

Asset Register

Annual Accounts


Items Over £100 May

Items Over £100

Payments Over £100